I Did Another Thing on Medium

Image source: Pexels.com by Kristina Paukshtite

If you read my recent blog post about joining Medium, well I did another thing and decided to try my hand at publications. It had been a while since I wrote anything worth sharing, so I thought I might try this as a way to garner more traffic. You can read my previous blog post here:

♡ Related blog post: I Did a Thing and Joined Medium

I often find myself complaining that my blog is not getting many visitors these days, and I was looking for a place where I could improve my content and build a more engaged audience. Even though I’ve been really nervous about branching out and trying something new, I decided to try publishing on a popular platform that has been around for years. My experience so far has been a rewarding one, though it was also nerve-wracking when I had to go from making $0 on my hobby blog to joining the Medium Partner Program (MPP), not knowing what to expect. I am still on the journey of earning enough money for a cup of coffee. ☕💕

Anyways, I submitted an article to a publication on Medium last night and was nervous about the whole process. I chose a publication where the owner personally reached out to all of her contributors. She seemed nice and I wanted to help out. This publication seemed to be the least intimidating out of all the ones I have seen on Medium. Long story short, my article got added to the publication!

Normally, I would re-share my articles on my blog but I decided to put my most recent article behind a paywall. With the great amount of changing trends, publishers have been forced to consider paywalls as a response to the growing subscription economy. In this case, I wanted to implement this feature especially since I published this article exclusively for Medium. You can read my latest article here:

♡ Medium Article: It’s Time to Stop Procrastinating

Depending on how this goes, I will probably be posting most of my articles on the Medium platform. However, I will still share the links on this blog so you can read them.

Medium is a free platform and anyone can join, but if you decide to get a membership, you’ll have access to all the paywall content I’ve published at your heart’s desire. Your membership fee directly supports me and other writers too. You’ll also get full access to every story on Medium.

Interested in getting a Medium membership? You can click here to get started. Thank you for supporting me on my writing journey!

Follow me on Medium!

37 thoughts on “I Did Another Thing on Medium


    Thanks for sharing.
    I will check Medium.
    I once joined an interface called teelfeed. There they had issue of allowing/rejecting the post. They never allowed many of my blogs there. That pissed me.
    So is it same for for medium??
    Do we have to wait for the approval?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Devang! I haven’t heard of Teelfeed and I am sorry that you had a negative experience on there. As far as I know we are allowed to cross-post articles on Medium. Will this affect SEO? Possibly, but there is a way to mark it so that Google skips it if you’re worried about rank. Personally, I don’t deal with SEO so I haven’t looked into it.

      The short answer is no, Medium won’t penalize us for sharing our blog posts on their platform. The main reason I started posting on Medium was to reach more people since I felt like traffic was dead on my blog. And no, we don’t need approval first. We can publish articles as we please. If you want to add a specific article to a Publication on Medium, then yes, an editor on the Publication will need to approve it. So far, I have had quick responses from them. Hope that helps! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      • DEVANG UPADHYAYA says:

        I’m glad that medium is offering you a great experience. Teelfeed is Indian started. It’s very similar to medium. I shared few my already written blogs there and many of those are not approved. I never even got any message or guidance on how to get through.
        I wonder why you are not getting traffic here. Maybe you should try to change style of your content. Maybe few collaboration, maybe few guest. Reach out to newer sites. I try to read blogs of people I’m not following and that’s a good thing to do.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        Oh I see! That’s probably why I haven’t heard of Teelfeed. Just a heads up: The Medium Partner Program doesn’t work in India. Many authors in India have taken a stand on this. There are a lot of Indian authors on Medium that I follow.

        I think I know why I am not getting as much traffic on my blog these days. I don’t spend hours visiting other blogs and engaging with bloggers. I log in, check notifications, and log out (most of the time). In the past, I would have spent hours on the WP reader but these days I don’t check it. Less engagement from me, less engagement form visitors. I think this could be the issue. As for collaborations, I don’t really do them unless people reach out to me first. Why? Perhaps it’s laziness (most likely is). Reaching out takes time and effort, and these days I am short for time. I’m trying to get my articles seen by more ppl which is why I turned to Medium as an option. I’m terrible with emails too – btw I saw your email and I haven’t relied to it yet. I haven’t forgotten!


      • DEVANG UPADHYAYA says:

        If you could find some time and make some changes. Maybe, then wp will become lively again. I’ve seen People spending time on post that has no tags, no format. But, the author build a trust and that’s why people are willing to visit.
        I have very less followers than you, but you can see my comment section, it has people who visit regularly.
        Give yourself a challenge and post next week and interact with people. See a change yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        This is great advice. I don’t have much time to blog d/t other responsibilities. Last weekend I worked, including a 16-hr shift on Sunday night. Blogging is the last thing I’ve been thinking about as I am currently catching up on things this week. I am behind right now, but when I have time to breathe and have a moment to rest, I will update this blog. Indeed, I am trying to catch up on some comments this week if I am unable to do anything else! Have a good week! 🌞

        Liked by 1 person

  2. ZeroSpace says:

    Congrats! Years ago one of my comedy articles got picked up by a publication thst I submitted the piece to….and I remember how exciting that was for me :). So I know this is a big deal. Must be a good piece of writing you submitted 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. buddy71 says:

    you have over a thousand followers but i notice less than 100 likes/comments. i have noticed this on many other sites i visit here on WP. many sites have thousands of followers but few likes/comments as compared to the followers. i have also noticed this on my site, though i dont have thousands, i have , like you, only a fraction of the visits. it seems , i feel, many here on WP are just here to collect followers. i dont follow someone just because they follow me as i feel they should have a blog that interests me. i also see many who are no longer active or are very sporadic about visiting/blogging. i dont know how many you follow but blogging does take a bit of time to not only put together a blog, but also check up on those you follow . but the question i have is why do you blog? if you are not doing it for yourself, then i feel you are setting yourself up for failure. i have been blogging, first on myspace, then on xanga and now here for a very long time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Some of my *more* popular blog posts have 120-150likes and >100 comments. People are still liking them despite how old the blog posts are, so I know that they’re still searching for these topics. Blogging isn’t like IG or Twitter where a post is only popular for a few days or hours before it’s buried forever. Blog posts are timeless if someone is looking for something specific. I follow 400 blogs and have capped it off at 400 so it’s not too overwhelming for me. Every so often I go through my list and unfollow the “dead” blogs. It’s sad how many people have quit over the years. I really don’t want to become part of that statistic.

      Why do I blog? I blog so that I can create an archive of blog posts I wrote which might help me later on. It’s overwhelming trying to write it all down on paper. I lose paper recipe cards and poetry I’ve written down on paper/phone so having a digital means of staying more organized helps me. I blog so that I can keep all of my posts in one place for future reference. Sure, I could save everything and put it in a USB stick but I’ve lost those too. I have undiagnosed but suspected ADD and trying to live in a cluttered chaotic world is very overwhelming. Blogging simplifies my life.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      For the first time in my adult life, I made passive income last month! Despite the 30% tax for Canadians, it was enough to afford a chocolate bar. I know others who just started and made $50+ on Medium last month, so I have a long way to go, but still. I don’t rely on it for income but I can see the potential sticking with Medium.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        If you aren’t worried about SEO, copying and pasting is the way to go. If you are worried about SEO, there is an option to directly import WP articles on Medium, so SEO won’t be affected. Medium allows us to use our WP articles, which is another reason why I joined. Personally, I modify my articles for WP and Medium based on the audience and who reads them, so I might change a few sentences, words etc. But other than that, the articles themselves are pretty much the same.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Kiki! Thank you for following me on Medium! I am not sure if I am following you on Medium yet since I haven’t logged into Medium for the past few days, but I will look for your name on there. For some reason, the mobile app isn’t working on my phone which is annoying. I am only able to check Medium from my laptop, and I am hardly on my laptop 🙈


  4. Pooja G says:

    A lot of people have seen a decrease in engagement, traffic and following these days thanks to the last WP update. I definitely understand why you would want to write on Medium because it is more difficult to make money on WP and WordAds just ain’t it.

    Liked by 1 person

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