500 Followers: A New Milestone!

(っ◔◡◔)っHappy 2020! I wish you all a beautiful, magical New Year!

I know that this blog post is [very] late so I’m going to keep the belated New Year wishes short and sweet. We are well on our way into the month of January and it’s hard to believe that we’re living in the year 2020! If you made New Year’s resolutions this year, are you still sticking to them? Keep in mind that January 12 is the day that most people ditch their resolutions. 🙊

I had initially made a New Year’s resolution to write something everyday for 365 days, whether that is blogging, journaling, or note-taking. Even if I force myself to write 200 crappy words each day, it’s enough to build some kind of momentum, especially when I’m feeling uninspired or lack the motivation to get started.

Just Do It ✔

I am notorious for writing long-ass text-messages, long-ass emails, and leaving comments the size of Mt. Everest on my friends’ blogs, and yet, I rarely invest the same amount of time and energy needed to write blog posts on a consistent basis. Throughout my blogging journey, I learned that I much prefer writing for an audience than I do writing for myself. Another key factor that demotivates me from getting started on writing blog posts is based on an idea called paralysis by analysis. I haven’t previously heard of paralysis by analysis until recently, while I was listening to The Mindset Mentor podcast by Rob Dial. If you want to learn more about the crippling effects of paralysis by analysis and how you can overcome it, I highly recommend checking out his podcast on iTunes.


A New Year, A New Direction

What is this blog’s outlook for 2020? Honestly, I wish I could tell you that overcoming paralysis by analysis will make me a more productive and active blogger. I wish I could tell you that I will publish weekly blog posts like I did last year, and that I won’t become another blogger who suddenly drops off the face of the blogging planet. I don’t want to feed you empty promises because I was too ambitious at the time, and then fail to deliver on these promises. This year, I have a bunch of shit stuff that I need to deal with and unfortunately, blogging is not my top priority right now. At this time, I am working on an even bigger project that will hopefully pave the way for a better future. This year, I’ve decided to return to university to finish what I started. 👩‍🎓

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go and no one else.” —Les Brown

In the beginning, I created this blog so I would have a place to share my poetry with people who actually enjoy reading poetry. A few years ago, I didn’t even know that I could write, let alone poetry. And as time went on, I discovered that I have more to write, more to create, and more to give back to the universe. These realizations were only discovered through the hardships that I have faced over the last decade, and for that I am grateful. I also discovered that writing helps me process complex emotions as well as make sense of my tangled web of thoughts. By pruning the proverbial shrubs, writing allows me to better understand not only myself but also the people around me. This blog is like a baby to me which I would feel terrible for abandoning. Similar to human babies, blogging takes long-term commitment and a great deal of time and energy.


During my quarter-life crisis back in April 2019, my blog really started to blossom. Honestly, I did not expect to gain 500 wonderful followers, and yet, here we are. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart, for spreading the love and helping to keep this blog alive! ❤

Thanks for stopping by!

great-vibes.regular (1)




94 thoughts on “500 Followers: A New Milestone!

  1. ceponatia says:

    2020 and I ain’t got no flying car!

    Congrats on 500 followers! I understand about not wanting to make promises regarding your blog, I’m the same way. I can’t tell people I’ll ever have a schedule or that all of my posts will have concrete topics and be well planned out… because that will never happen. lol.

    Just keep doing it when you can!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      I almost used the flying car reference in this blog post! 😂🤣

      Thank you for supporting this blog! I honestly didn’t expect to reach 500 followers, which is truly amazing in its own right. Ironically, I wouldn’t have discovered this wonderful blogging community had it not been for the horrible event(s) of April 2019. *shivers* No worries, I won’t judge you for being a spontaneous blogger! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kachaiweb says:

    Congratulations on 500 followers! 🥳
    About blogging on the regular, I think you need to like to blog and when that is not that regularly that is not a problem. Some friends irl I don’t see that often but still am happy when we bump into each other. I have the same attitude to blogging.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you so much for your support, Kacha!😊🤗 I enjoy blogging, I really do. I never thought that writing would actually become a hobby of mine one day. It was last year when I first discovered the wonderful blogging community and I haven’t looked back. Being able to catch up where you left off with a friend is similar to reading or writing a story. Just pick up at the last page and keep going~!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you so much for your support, Amy! 😇 I’m not sure if I will be writing much this year, given that my schedule is crazy busy again. I really admire bloggers who have amazing time management skills! 😊🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. stevescountry says:

    Congratulations on this wonderful milestone Hilary! I hope you gain many more as well as moving on to even greater things in your life! Sorry you won’t have much time for writing though, will definitely miss you around here. Hope your weekend is going well!😁😸

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you for checking out my blog post, Steve! 😊 I am happy to have reached 500 followers. Knowing that people actually read my stuff puts a smile on my face. And being able to share my sense of humor with the world is very fulfilling. After all, my name comes from the root word, “hilarious.”

      Now that school has started, I am already up to my knees in paperwork and dread. I hope to return to blogging whenever I can and it means a lot to know that I will be missed. Thank you for supporting my blogging journey Steve and for our long conversations about randomness. Have a great weekend as well! ❤🐈

      Liked by 1 person

      • stevescountry says:

        Always enjoy talking with you Hilary! Do the paperwork, skip the dread. This is something you can and will do, concentrate on that.
        Thanks, I just hope I can get rid of this headache so I can sleep tonight. I’m not used to headaches, it has been years since my last one, don’t know why this one started today. Oh well.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        My dread comes from not a lack of discipline, but from the traumatic experience. I don’t want to deal with revisiting that place there’s no choice. Whether I like it or not, I need to finish this degree.

        As someone who gets a lot of headaches, I recommend drinking more water, putting away the glowing screens, and taking a nap. Perhaps call it an early night and go to bed early? Feel better soon! 😴🌙

        Liked by 1 person

      • stevescountry says:

        I have actually been drinking a lot of water lately, but I think less screen time and more sleep would definitely be a good idea. Yep, I’m off to bed now, Muffin is way ahead of me on that one!😁😸🌙😴Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hunida says:

    So many congrats on your well-deserved 500 followers! ♡ I totally agree that writing everyday, no matter how crappy will help build momentum. I’m so happy to read that you will not abandon your blog even if it’s not your #1 priority. Best of luck in Uni!! ♡

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you so much, Hunida!😊💕 Some days I don’t have time to write, unless adding class notes to a word document counts. It’s takes several hours to transcribe(?) the 160 PowerPoint slides that I had from this week alone, so hopefully that counts as something! As for creative writing, I need to start scheduling additional time for that. 🙇‍♀️


    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Pooja! Idk how I missed your comment. It seems like I missed a bunch of comments… oops.🤭 Honestly, I never expected to reach 500 followers since I only use one platform (this one) and am abstaining from social media until graduation. I never imagined that I would be writing about mental health, but I’m liking the direction that this blog has taken! Thank you so much for supporting this blog, Pooja! 😊🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      • PoojaG says:

        You’re very welcome and I totally understand WordPress gets rid of older notifications and I end up missing some stuff on my blog too. It’s very frustrating. I think mental health is a really interesting direction for your blog to take and I love what your blog has become! Also I left a comment on your most recent post not sure it you saw it or missed it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        Thank you for updating me, Pooja. I may or may not have seen your comment. These days, I’m trying to catch up on the comments from previous blog posts as well as the most recent one. I often miss comments from older posts but I’m trying to change that. Ty for being patient with me. 😊🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        The struggle is real! LOL Today, I realized that I wasn’t loading the previous comments; I am using my laptop right now. I am so used to using the app on my phone, and now I feel so silly for missing so many comments. 🤦‍♀️

        Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Vee! It’s so nice to hear from you!😊 School is very stressful right now. I barely have time to do anything, to include taking coffee breaks and naps. It seems like they have slammed us with a TON of work right off the bat.

      2 days ago, my cat cracked my phone screen. He decided to use it as his landing spot after jumping off the fridge, and leaping onto the counter-top across the kitchen walkway where phone was. Now that my phone has been replaced, there are air bubbles in the protective cover (it’s driving me crazy). Last night, my phone didn’t charge having moved it to a new outlet, so I have put my faith and trust into the charging station at this library. Praying it stays safe in there because I really cannot deal with a missing phone/more stress. Calgary has a lot of theft so I’m always on edge about that (some of our stuff has been stolen in the past). And my school locker isn’t working today, so hello back problems (I’m lugging around a shit ton of stuff today). Sorry for the rant – this is me when my mood is crap. I just can’t seem to catch a break. 🤦‍♀️


  5. popsiclesociety says:

    Hi Hilary, I guess is a little too late to wish you a happy new year but however congratulations on the achievement! 🙂
    And congratulations for the decision made to return to university! Wish you good luck and lots of achievements! 💕🤗🤗💕🌸

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you so much for your support, Akshay! I am happy that the positive vibes reached you. My goal is to provide some kind of value and connect with people through this blog. 🧘‍♀️🌱


  6. benjaminlee says:

    Excellent job with 500 followers! Wow that’s great! Keep writing! I love your long comments! Keep me going along with long blogs. Little by little is my motto. I will check out that podcast. Thank you

    Liked by 2 people

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