What Do You Hope to Accomplish in 2023?

Happy New Year! This is a late post because I’ve been sick with a stomach bug these last couple of days, making me bedridden and incapable of doing much. Not the best start to the new year and I don’t know what happened to cause this? Someone may have wished me some bad karma because it came on suddenly. The only good thing that came out of this was giving my body the ability to reset via an unintended extended fast. So yay to maybe lowing a couple of pounds?

Anyways, I am re-sharing my Medium article on the blog. If you use the following link to read this article and you are already a Medium subscriber, I will earn a small commission. It might be only a few pennies but it’s better than earning nothing at all. This article is behind a paywall on Medium but I want to make it available for everyone to read.

♡ Medium Article: What Do You Hope to Accomplish in 2023?

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/

How to make better New Year’s Resolutions

Are New Year’s Resolutions a waste of time? It depends on the types of goals you make.

New Year, New YOU!

It really comes down to the quality of questions you ask yourself. When you don’t think about what you truly want, it’s impossible to know if you’re making progress and can become susceptible to failure. That being said, if you ask yourself the right questions, then it gives you a clear idea of your goals and gives you a sense of accomplishment for achieving them.

Remember, New Year’s resolutions are only effective to the extent they are fully aligned with who you are along with your goals. If you can understand such alignment, then you will be able to create a powerful resolution(s). It is crucial for such resolutions to be about things that are truly important to YOU.

Time for Self-Reflection

Reflecting on the past year, what you’ve achieved, and what you’d like to achieve for the next one is a good start in prioritizing tasks for 2023. To do this, take some time to reflect on your achievements and shortcomings from the past year, and make any adjustments so that you can set yourself up for even more success in the coming year!

As the new year rapidly approaches, your New Year’s resolutions need to be meaningful and serve a purpose that is specifically designed to better suit your needs and wants. This is not the same as following society’s norms or what your parents want for you. It also isn’t the same as doing what your friends or spouse want you to do. It’s important that your resolutions are personal and cater to your individual needs.

New Year’s Resolutions are worth a try. There’s something about them that makes people want to achieve their goals and stop making excuses.

Resolutions are a great way to look into the future, evaluate what you want to see accomplished in the coming year and create a realistic plan for achieving them. Now that 2023 is here, take some time to reflect and consider what your goals for this year should be. Tie resolutions to the goals you want to achieve and write them down so you can track your progress. Once you write down your goals for the year ahead, it becomes easier to do a lot of little things that can help you achieve them.

It is also important to note that writing down your thoughts and feelings releases a lot of emotional clutter, helps you revel in the joys of small moments even more than just putting some New Year’s Resolution ideas on paper, and has even been found to be more beneficial than journaling. But don’t just take my word for it. Why not give it a try and see where it takes you?

Image source: Photo by Lil artsy: https://www.pexels.com/photo/

How do you find your true potential and figure out what you want your life to look like in 2023? By answering the following questions.

1. What have you learned in the past year?
Visualize your life one year from now. What does it look like?
3. What steps can you take to put your vision into action?
4. How are you going to measure your progress?

Smart Goals Graphic by StudyLib. Link: https://studylib.net/doc/25489999/smart-goals-article

For those who want to be successful with goal-setting, it is important that you use a good goal-setting framework. I recommend using the S.M.A.R.T framework for all goal setting because it is one of the most effective frameworks and has been shown to be very useful for many people. Give S.M.A.R.T. goals a try and see if they help you too!

I not only wish you a happy new year, but I hope that all your wishes come true in the coming year. May you find a great deal of happiness, peace, and love in the coming year. I wish you success, too ♥︎

P.S. You can also connect with me on Twitter (@hellokitty8404) and I encourage you to subscribe to my website at http://www.sereneluna.net so that you can receive the latest updates from me.

23 thoughts on “What Do You Hope to Accomplish in 2023?

  1. buddy71 says:

    I wonder if your stomach bug was something that you ate? Especially if you didn’t have a fever. Lots of people get sick with stomach issues because of foodborne illnesses. Anyway, I’m sorry you were sick cuz I think you were saying you were going to work over the weekend. Hope you feel better. Maybe a little Pepto-Bismol, and some Gatorade I’ll get everything back to normal. I hope just to make it through 2023 and on to 2024 etc etc. I’ve never really been a long goal oriented person and more of a shorter call oriented person. Like day to day week to week Etc. As I have gotten older things just making it to the next day and staying healthy is a big accomplishment. Happy New Year! I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Stay warm and safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      It could have been something I ate but I’m not sure what it was. I had body chills/body aches and a possible fever but I didn’t take my temperature. The body chills lasted ~24 hours. I went from feeling too cold to feeling too hot. The aches and pains were so bad I had to resort to painkillers I had when I had jaw surgery. I only needed 1 pain pill but still. Glad I kept them.

      Yes, I worked Friday and Saturday. Ended up sick on Sunday around noon. I’ve never had pepto-bismol but I drank lots of Gatorade. Felt yucky Jan 1 and 2 but I felt a lot better by Jan 3!


    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you, I’m starting to feel better but I’m sleeping a lot. I sleep 12-13 hours a day if I don’t have a plan. Maybe it’s depression. Maybe it’s just exhaustion idk. 😴

      I’ve been keeping up with the exercise and working out again so I feel better about that. Also eating better so there’s that. I’ve been writing things down in a journal – it’s a discipline journal and very basic but it really does work if I stick with it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Tbh the SMART method is the only method I use, and have been using for a few years now. I first learned about it in nursing school and have been using it ever since. That’s awesome that you are implementing the SMART method to achieve your goals too. Thanks for reading, Rachel!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Stuart Danker says:

    A life unexamined is one not worth living, so it’s always great to have a set of goals that you can align yourself with, so that if you have free time in the year, you can always adjust course to a destination of your choosing. SMART goal-setting is always a great method to live by!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Great insight, Stuart 🙂 I find myself adjusting course a lot, but lately I started putting more energy into blogging while eliminating other distractions. I personally like how SMART goals are objectively measured rather than based on a person’s mood/feelings/emotions.


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