‘Tis the Season to Be Sick

Every year around the holidays, I seem to be one of the “lucky” individuals who gets sick. Last year, I caught bronchitis which started off as a head cold. Due to my crappy immune system, this nasty bronchitis refused to leave my poor lungs for several weeks which ultimately lead to an inflamed trachea. On top of that, I spent last Christmas in the ER. Thanks Santa! How thoughtful of you!


Despite receiving the flu shot on Saturday, December 7, 2019, I wasn’t prepared for what was to come. From what I discovered over the years, the flu shot seems to work against me for some reason. However, the faculty insists that students receive their flu shots each year so that they can attend clinical practice. And this is kinda a big deal. If you don’t attend clinical practice, you automatically forfeit the entire semester. And anyone who has been following me knows why I cannot allow for this to happen.

On Sunday evening, I spent my waking hours in the bathroom puking my guts out. At one point, I didn’t make it to the bathroom on time and my poor husband volunteered to clean up the mess. I was in so much physical pain that I thought I was dying, similar to the memories from Christmas 2018. I didn’t see a magical light leading to heaven or anything, but if projectile vomiting is similar to what dying feels like, then yes, it was a near death experience for me.

Last night as I was lying in bed, I thought to myself, “This is it. I’m going to die. Pneumonia finally got me.”☠️ Memories from Christmas 2018 

It wasn’t just me who was sick this past weekend. My husband was the first one to get sick, so I spent the weekend nursing him back to health. Hey, I want to take some of the credit for making him feel better. It’s possible that I may have caught this stomach bug from him. However, he didn’t experience any vomiting whatsoever, so could it really be the same sickness? Yesterday evening, my toddler had a fever, but she displayed no signs or symptoms of being sick. Instead, she was full of energy and bouncing off the walls like any healthy kid. This morning, she asked us to take her to the playground so she could play on the slides. Not today, Rebecca. You still have a fever. You’re supposed to be sick. Silly girl. 

The Mystery Continues

Perhaps I had food poisoning, which is a possibility. Some of the food I ate last weekend was questionable, such as a bag of stale BBQ potato chips. Dollarama, get it together! 😑 Add 3 chocolate bars to my day’s worth of calories, and that binge could have been enough to cause a puking fest. We usually don’t eat junk food at home, but I thought it would be nice to surprise my husband with some of his favourite treats. He refused to eat any of it, so I ended up stuffing my face with chips, candy, and chocolate. Now, I am swearing off junk food for good, which could just be a temporary food aversion. Yesterday, I had a long conversation with Steve in the comments section over at Steve’s Country. He is super friendly and I highly recommend checking out his blog! 😀😺


Always find something to laugh about every day. And if you can’t find anything, you can always laugh at yourself!

I am grateful that I am able to breathe through both nostrils. Thankfully, I didn’t end up with clogged sinuses or a stuffy nose. Try to stay healthy my friends, especially since there are sickly people everywhere this time of year.

Thanks for stopping by!

great-vibes.regular (1)

80 thoughts on “‘Tis the Season to Be Sick

  1. Joshua Shea says:

    I sometimes have that same thing happen where vaccinations, shots or medicine works opposite how it’s supposed to. After a second cortisone shot sends you into extreme pain, or after NyQuil keeps you buzzed and awake all night, you learn that you’ve got one of those bodies that works in weird ways. Congrats on the two nostril thing. I know what a big deal it is when only one has been working, or when they switch back and forth. Feel better.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Joshua! I am sorry for taking forever to reply to your comment. I really appreciate that you took the time to reach out to me. 😀 I have heard of the dreaded cortisone shot, and I am grateful that I haven’t had it. Strangely, I have had a similar experience with NyQuil on a night where I really needed it to work. 🤦‍♀️ It sure makes you grateful when you have two functioning nostrils and can actually breathe! This is the best part of recovering from a cold or the flu imo. I hope that you are staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. *Knock on wood* that I haven’t gotten coronavirus yet…. I really hope that you haven’t gotten it either.


    • Hilary Tan says:

      I have a sore throat today but otherwise, I’m feeling okay. This flu bug thing likes to linger and it’s free to leave anytime now. 😏

      Awww how sweet of you!😊💕 I appreciate you going out of your way to check for me! I’m using the mobile app right now and will be able to open the link once I’m on the laptop (this phone has issues).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Michelle says:

    I didn’t get the flu shot this year. It only helps against some sickness but not all. I hope you get better before Christmas. My boyfriend has a low immune system too. When I get sick, I am just like your toddler. I hide it and show that I still have lots of energy.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Michelle! Given the choice, I wouldn’t have gotten the flu shot either. Nick didn’t get the flu shot and I don’t think he ever does tbh. Unless you’re surrounded by people who are sick or at risk for complications, I think you’re OK not getting the flu shot. The biggest benefit to getting the flu shot is not to protect ourselves, but to protect the people around us from getting sick, also known as herd immunity.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. stevescountry says:

    Hi Hilary! Glad to hear that you are feeling better, that was a nasty sickness. Unlikely caused by the flu shot though. I’m one of those people that think a flu shot is good, I always get it each year.😜 But it takes 2 weeks to start working and it’s only good for certain types of flu, and there are a lot of different types of flu unfortunately. My immune system is shot which is why I get the flu shot, I need all the help I can get.😀But everyone needs to make their own choice on these things. Thanks too for mentioning me in your post, much appreciated! I hope you have a great evening!😁😸⛄🎄

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Steve! I am sorry for this super late reply. I am currently trying to catch up on comments during the quarantine. Luckily, I haven’t been sick yet this year…*knock on wood.* You made a pun, “My immune system is shot which is why I get the flu shot.” 😂 I don’t really have a choice since I have to get the flu shot – it’s a requirement by the faculty. Given the option, I probably wouldn’t have gotten it. Once the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, mark my words I will be getting it! 😣

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        Definitely! The comments seem to pile up and I can’t keep track of em’ all. Yes, it would give me peace of mind to get the vaccine as well. In the meantime, all we can do is take proper precautions and pray that we don’t get sick. 😷

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hilary Tan says:

        Yeah me too. I don’t feel clean anymore when I leave the house since I don’t wear a mask. I’ve never been a germaphobe but I can definitely “feel” the germs these days. Ick.

        I have 2 basic blue masks and one N95 mask which I’ve been holding onto. I haven’t resorted to wearing them yet. They’re part of my lab kits which is why I kept them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • stevescountry says:

        There’s no confirmed cases here yet though every other town in the northwest region has it.
        I have some dust masks that I use when I’m doing any sanding for my woodworking projects, but I doubt they would do any good. I do have some masks ordered from Amazon but they won’t be here until late May. Sigh. I always have to be careful though I don’t go crazy about things, however this is a bit more serious.
        Enjoy your day Hilary!😃😺🌞

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Simon says:

    Glad to hear u feel better now. This month seems to be a sick month. I got sick and im still sick almost a month now, cough and cold🙄 I think the cold loves me as much i hate it☺️, none of the medicines worked out😂. Looks like every christmas i have to be ready with tissues as i always get cold sickness at this time . I never took injections in recent years. I hardly remember last time i had injections🤔 Must be 10 years before. I get sick and i get it cured naturally 😁 Most of the time😜90% But it takes a lot of time😉.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. V says:

    Oh god, I got hella sick after I got my flu shot too. Maybe we have weak immune systems?

    I’m sorry you’ve been sick. Wish I lived down the street so I could bring you ginger ale and soup.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Jenny in Neverland says:

    Crikey, sorry to hear you’ve been so sick! I had a terrible cold last Christmas, I couldn’t taste my Christmas dinner so I was devastated haha! I’ve never had a flu shot though – I rarely get ill and I’m not eligible for a free shot x

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Jenny! Wow, I am SO SLOW replying to comments. 🐢 Even a tortoise is faster than me…. Ugh, that is the absolute worst when you lose your sense of taste and smell. Given the choice, I probably wouldn’t have gotten the flu shot either. I am curious to know whether or not you would get vaccinated once a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. storyboutagirl says:

    So sorry that you’ve been sick! I tend to always get sick in November/December as well. I spent all last month with a nasty dental infection and then ended the month with a car accident that brought my depression and anxiety back with a vengeance. I haven’t even been able to get a flu shot yet. Same as you I find it seems to work against me when I get it and am always scared to but at the same time I feel the need to because of people around me. Hope your feeling better soon!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you for reading and commenting! I apologize for the super late reply. I am so used to using the WP app that I often forget to reply to comments, so I am finally catching up. I am sorry to hear that you had a nasty dental infection and ended up in a car accident too! Talk about a steak of bad luck! 😢

      Tbh, I am terrified of going to the dentist because I had a very bad experience with a cavity, where the numbing agent was ineffective. Please don’t scared about getting the flu shot. I find that being scared makes my anxiety 100x worse! Exactly…think of the reasons why you are getting it, like herd immunity to protect everyone around you! Stay strong, my friend! 😊💕


    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Amielle! I apologize for this very late reply. Vitamin C is amazing and honestly, I cannot live without it. We have a large supply of oranges so I am OK for the time being. 🍊🍊 I am really grateful that I am not sick right now, and I hope that you and your family are staying safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic! 😷

      Liked by 1 person

  8. amymayj says:

    Sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly – hope you’re feeling better now! I’ve always been a bit dubious of the flu shot as the one year I had it I was so poorly a couple of weeks later – I know they say you can’t get flu from a flu shot but it felt awfully convincing! x

    Liked by 3 people

  9. PoojaG says:

    Wow that sounds like a horrible situation I hope you’re better now. I usually eat homemade pickled ginger and turmeric when the weather gets colder to help avoid the flu and food poisoning- I would highly recommend it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Luckily, I haven’t been sick yet this year. *Knock on wood* Please stay safe and healthy during the coronavirus pandemic~! 😷

      My husband makes homemade chicken noodle soup whenever we are sick, and it’s pretty tasty. Also, he uses picked ginger and turmeric in several dishes. I can’t have turmeric right now and honestly, it’s not my favorite spice. I have read great things about turmeric – it is a great anti-inflammatory agent and helps boost the immune system. There are even recipes on the internet for turmeric smoothies!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Thank you, Kally! Fortunately I recovered just in time for Christmas. I still have a bit of a cough but otherwise I’m much better now! Even though it took 2 weeks to recover, I’m grateful I didn’t have to spend Christmas at the ER this year. 🙂

      Wishing you a wonderful holiday and [soon to be] New Year as well. I hope that you had a good Christmas and that everyone is healthy and well. 😊💕

      Liked by 1 person

  10. ashok says:

    Oh oh. Hope all is well with you all of you now Hilary. Incidentally the date of your post was my birthday- 11th December 😊
    In my family too all of us have had flu one after the other. I am the last one going through it. I and my son don’t take any medication and his wife gets very frustrated with that 😝
    I sincerely hope and pray that the whole world wakes up to the reality that no vaccines are needed by us. Body is a wonderfully self healing mechanism.
    What a wonderfully happy and positive post 😊🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hilary Tan says:

      You share the same birthday as my dad! December 11 is his birthday too. 😆 I’m thankful to have my health back, but some ppl are sick right now and it seems like everyone has had some kind of strain of this flu bug that has been going around. When I was sick the only thing that seemed to work was Tylenol Complete (Day/Night) I think it’s called.

      I think health care professionals are still pro-vaccine simply due to the herd immunity factor. As long as we are vaccinated, the vulnerable people are protected as well, such as the very young and very old. Thank you for reading! Have a very Happy New Year, Ashok! 🥳🥂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Kristin Aragon says:

    I despise the flu shot. The one time I took it the flu invaded my body and I thought I might die. From your post, I assume you are maybe going to nursing school or some other type of medical field. I went to nursing school several years back and we had to sign a waiver if we refused thre shot. Ugh.

    I’m glad you are better for the new year.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hi Kristin. Thank you for checking out my blog! 😊 It took a full 2 weeks to fully recover from the flu bug thanks to Tylenol Complete Day/Night (seriously, this stuff is amazing) AND just in time for Christmas. I am very grateful that I didn’t spend Christmas day in the ER again.

      Yes, you guessed right! I am actually repeating a semester this Winter and classes start in a few days. I haven’t been in school for since April 2019 so I’m nervous about going back. I really respect you and the work you did in ICU. Nursing is not an easy job.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. parkermccoy says:

    It is definitely that season. I’ve heard of a lot of people getting sick. I try to take plenty of Vitamin C and I wash my hands quite often. I usually don’t get sick. Knock on wood. Haha. Great post and thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Me: “I haven’t been sick in a while. This is great!”

      Next day: Sick as a dog 😷

      Yes, knock on wood haha You’re one of the lucky ones who has a strong immune system.😀 I’m happy that you enjoyed reading this post. I also try to take vitamin C and will take vitamin C supplements whenever I think that my immune system could use an extra boost. Thank you for stopping by today!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. oneta hayes says:

    Thanks for leaving the like on my “Do’s and Don’ts.” I came to visit and find you sick. Hope that is over and done with. It has been a while since you have written a post. I’ll try to check on you later if I can do so.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hilary Tan says:

      Good evening, Oneta! I’m always searching for new blogs/blog posts to read and I try to visit as many blogs as I can. 😊🤗

      I was sick in December which lasted two weeks. Luckily, I got over the flu bug just in time for Christmas. Things were quite hectic during the holidays so I didn’t have a chance to write at all. Now that I’m back home, I’ve been getting ready for school. Lab starts this Friday and classes/clinical start next week. My goal is to try and find some balance between adult responsibilities and blogging/writing. It’s definitely a challenge! Thank you for paying a visit to my blog. I really appreciate that you reached out to me. 😊💕


    • Hilary Tan says:

      Hmm, there should be a follow button. If you use a desktop and are logged into WordPress on a computer, there’s an option to +follow at the bottom of the screen. It should say something along the lines of, “would you like to follow [this blog]?”

      If you’re using the WP Reader on a smart phone using the the app itself, there’s a +follow option next to my site name if you type sereneluna.wordpress.com into the search tab. I hope this helps 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Hilary Tan says:

    Thank you for stopping by! I apologize for the super late reply. I hope that you continue to stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic too. 😷


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